Tuesday, March 1, 2016

"It reminds me to be grateful for where I am, for my body, and my face—as imperfect as any of it may be." 

  Woman and Men around the World are using twitter
to speak their mind about Rape. What people don't know, is that it's not just woman that are raped,  but men too. People are using twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to SPEAK up about their experiences with rape. 

"1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will experience sexual assault in college."  We must be aware that rape doesn't just occur within college students. "Speak," tells the story of a freshman in high school who was raped and sexually harrassed at the age of 15. Her struggle to speak up, makes her high school experience unbearable to the point where she cuts her wrists, and attempts suicide. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. If you know anyone that has gone through a situation such as this SPEAK up. Do not be afraid to ask for help.

 "SafeTrek" is an app that was designed specifically for students, especially in college, for people that feel uncomfortable or are in bad situations. The app is designed by holding a button for 10 seconds and a pin will drop showing your location. There is no need to call anyone and risk being in trouble. It is designed to help ANYONE. Tell the World, tell your friends, this app can save anyone that may be at risk or in danger.


 " Censoring books that deal with difficult, adolescent issues does not protect anybody. Quite the opposite. It leaves kids in the darkness and makes them vulnerable. Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance. Our children cannot afford to have the truth of the world withheld from them"  - Laurie Halse Anderson


"I didn't think I'd be so gripped by this book but the author captures the pains and troubles of everyday high school life with such honesty and emotion that I couldn't help recognize half the characters from my own high school days. There's Rachel, the ex best friend who's had a personality transplant over the summer... Heather, the temporary friend who's only waiting to be snapped up my a cooler clique... and, of course, the protagonist who doesn't quite fit in anywhere.

The beauty of this novel is that it could have survived alone without the much more sinister story behind it. But, that said, it also served as a very sad and moving voice for rape victims, particularly the vast amounts who feel at fault or scared or embarrassed by what happened. It was a quick, easy teen read but it's also the kind that plays on your mind repeatedly after finishing it."
                      - Emily Ray (Reviewer) 

#Speak4Rainn campaign is an organization created by Laurie Halse Anderson, to help support individuals who need support speaking up! https://rainn.org/donate/ways-to-give #Speak4Rainn is the  number 1 largest sexual assault organization. Donate, get involved, get educated about sexual